
Der (offensichtlich) unkomplizierte Weg zu einem Job!

I don't normally post two posts so close together, but here are some fun facts that I really want to share with you. 
  1. The state dance of South Carolina is the Shag! Learn it here! ;-)
  2. South Carolina is the nation's leading peach producer and shipper, east of the Mississippi River. 
  3. Duncan Park Baseball Stadium in Spartanburg, SC, is the oldest minor league stadium in the nation. 
  4. Fountain Inn is proud of the town's most famous native son. Clayton "Peg Leg" Bates lost his leg in a cotton gin accident at the age of 12; he overcame his tragedy to become a famous dancer. His signature step was the "Imitation American Jet Plane," in which he would jump in the air and land on his peg leg, with his good leg sticking out straight behind him. During his career, Bates performed more than 20 different times on the Ed Sullivan television show more than any other artist. 
  5. Beginning Labor Day and running through the following weekend, the South Carolina Apple Festival celebrates the beginning of apple harvest season in Oconee County, the largest apple-producing area in the state. 
  6. The SC state motto is Dum Spiro Spero (While I Breathe, I Hope).
  7. Richland, which is just east of the capital (Columbia), is the geographic center of South Carolina.

Why am I sharing these random fun facts? Can anyone guess what this post is about? South Carolina...Jessica...hmmm.

I GOT A JOB TEACHING GERMAN IN SOUTH CAROLINA!! In Richland One school district to be exact (see fun fact #7), at the A. C. Flora High School, as the SECOND German teacher--which means, yes, the program is strong and growing.

I interviewed via Skype a couple of weeks ago (while I was in Vienna, actually--shoutout to Keri for graciously letting me Skype in her bedroom and not making me feel like an inconvenience--not once, but twice!) In the first Skype interview, they told me that they really liked me and thought I'd be an excellent candidate and told me how to fill out the online application to get into HR (since HR is the one to officially offer jobs) and had me call back the next day to answer the standard District questions for applicants. I received the email tonight for the job offer a couple of hours ago and have just responded via email accepting the position! Have I mentioned how much I love and am grateful for modern technology??

I am beyond, over-the-moon, happy-dance excited. I start August 12th and school starts August 19th. Less than a month from when I get back to the States!

Also...Los geht's! :-D


  1. Bitte gerne! Ich freue mich riesig für dich :)

  2. Congratulations! That is such good news! Es freut mich sehr!
