
Der (offensichtlich) unkomplizierte Weg zu einem Job!

I don't normally post two posts so close together, but here are some fun facts that I really want to share with you. 
  1. The state dance of South Carolina is the Shag! Learn it here! ;-)
  2. South Carolina is the nation's leading peach producer and shipper, east of the Mississippi River. 
  3. Duncan Park Baseball Stadium in Spartanburg, SC, is the oldest minor league stadium in the nation. 
  4. Fountain Inn is proud of the town's most famous native son. Clayton "Peg Leg" Bates lost his leg in a cotton gin accident at the age of 12; he overcame his tragedy to become a famous dancer. His signature step was the "Imitation American Jet Plane," in which he would jump in the air and land on his peg leg, with his good leg sticking out straight behind him. During his career, Bates performed more than 20 different times on the Ed Sullivan television show more than any other artist. 
  5. Beginning Labor Day and running through the following weekend, the South Carolina Apple Festival celebrates the beginning of apple harvest season in Oconee County, the largest apple-producing area in the state. 
  6. The SC state motto is Dum Spiro Spero (While I Breathe, I Hope).
  7. Richland, which is just east of the capital (Columbia), is the geographic center of South Carolina.

Why am I sharing these random fun facts? Can anyone guess what this post is about? South Carolina...Jessica...hmmm.

I GOT A JOB TEACHING GERMAN IN SOUTH CAROLINA!! In Richland One school district to be exact (see fun fact #7), at the A. C. Flora High School, as the SECOND German teacher--which means, yes, the program is strong and growing.

I interviewed via Skype a couple of weeks ago (while I was in Vienna, actually--shoutout to Keri for graciously letting me Skype in her bedroom and not making me feel like an inconvenience--not once, but twice!) In the first Skype interview, they told me that they really liked me and thought I'd be an excellent candidate and told me how to fill out the online application to get into HR (since HR is the one to officially offer jobs) and had me call back the next day to answer the standard District questions for applicants. I received the email tonight for the job offer a couple of hours ago and have just responded via email accepting the position! Have I mentioned how much I love and am grateful for modern technology??

I am beyond, over-the-moon, happy-dance excited. I start August 12th and school starts August 19th. Less than a month from when I get back to the States!

Also...Los geht's! :-D


Living in the Mountains

Phew. The past few weeks have been full of traveling, which has been absolutely lovely and exactly what I want(ed), but it is nice to be home--to sleep in my own bed and not be living out of a suitcase.

After Italy, we had just three days of school and then a mini-vacation again. Over here, most of the Christian holidays are national holidays, which means we have the day(s) off. On Thursday of the week after my Italy trip was Auffahrt (*Himmelfahrt in Hochdeutsch--I was told today that Auffahrt in Hochdeutsch means "driveway" Ha!). Auffahrt (*Himmelfahrt) translates to Ascension Day. During my stay in Italy, I realized that the free days for Auffahrt would be my last chance to go to Vienna, since it isn't worth it to go for a weekend with the journey lasting about 8.5hrs each way. So, I spontaneously asked my friend Keri if I could stay with her and visit from Wednesday, May 8-Sunday, May 12. It was a lot of fun, catching up with old friends and meeting Keri's friends and seeing the city after being away for two years. I had forgotten a lot, but also remembered a lot more than I thought I would have. And man, was it nice to see the U-Bahn (subway) again. I'm pretty sure Vienna has one of the best public transportation systems--certainly the best I've encountered.

I took the train back to Winterthur, quickly washed all my clothes, unpacked my suitcase and repacked my suitcase again. On Monday at 7:00am, I set off with the 1. Oberstufe (7th grade) and their class teacher, Stefan, on their weeklong camp trip. We stayed in a house (Bärghus Metjen) in Eischoll, Wallis, which is in the southern part of Switzerland.
The red outlined part is canton Wallis (Valais in English) and the orange "A" is where we were--Eischoll.
The train ride was pretty good, even though there were 23 energy-filled (natural energy and energy-drink energy) students surrounding Stefan and I, and we even stopped outside of Bern to get a tour of the Lötschberg Tunnel, which is a really long tunnel for trains that goes through a mountain, so that we don't have to go all the way around the mountain. We took buses into an unfinished part of the tunnel and were given a tour, which included seeing a train go by at 200km/h in the other side of the tunnel (we were separated by thick glass).
Unfinished tunnel

There was a part of the unfinished tunnel that was set up as a museum
We all wore bright vests and hard hats--so fashionable ;-)

Then we continued on our way. We took the train to Brig and picked up our luggage there (luckily I was able to send mine with the other teacher, Rita, that came along, because she drove her car there), and then continued on to Raron. In Raron, we walked a short ways to a Luftseilbahn (cable car), where we went up in small groups with our suitcases.

It might look scary, but it absolutely was not. I was too distracted by the beauty of the mountains to be scared. I took about a zillion pictures, half of which all look the same, but was just so mesmerizing!

Our house was on the side of the mountain, which was so cool. On one day we went on a "Spaziergang" (walk) as a class, which the teacher later admitted to being a "kleine Wanderung" (small hike), but to my American eyes/legs, it was more of a regular-sized hike. We hiked up some very steep parts of the mountain and through the woods. After that stretch, the kids found a playground with a giant trampoline and the boys practiced doing tons of flips, and then we hiked back home.
The view from after a large part of the steep hike

He then tried to convince me to do some flips. Ha.
This kid has a trainer for this, so he actually knows what he's doing!

Group picture!
The rest of the week was super relaxing and fun. The students prepared, cooked, and cleaned up after all of the meals. Their projects for the week were to make a short movie (any topic, but self-written, acted and directed) and print t-shirts. I even got to join on the t-shirt making:
Swiss Flag in the shape of a heart on the front...

and "Frau Tucker" printed on the back :-)
On Wednesday, Rita (the other teacher) and her son, Andre, and I went to Leukerbad to walk around and see the mountains a little more. It was cold and a little rainy, so it wasn't the best day to do that, but it was still a lot of fun. We ate lunch in a typical Swiss restaurant and ate Raclette (boiled potatoes with melted cheese and other toppings), which is a typical Swiss meal, so that was a really cool experience!

The potatoes are kept warm in this cloth bag

These are the toppings we had--Raclette spices, pickles, pearl onions,
and a creamy onion mix.But you can eat anything you like with Raclette!

You are given a plate with melted cheese and then you eat it
with potatoes and whatever toppings you want. When one plate of
cheese is gone, you can get another one.
Andre LOVES Raclette :-)

On Friday, we took off around 10am, and this time I went back in the car with the other teacher and her son. I went back by car because she wanted to show me some cool things in Switzerland. First, I got to experience a car-train, where you drive into a specific compartment for cars and get pulled through a tunnel that goes through a mountain (like the Lötschberg Tunnel). 
Heading into the tunnel
Then, we stopped at the historic Teufelsbrücke (devil's bridge) and Tellsplatte (William Tell tribute)

A painting at the Tellsplatte

The Tellsplatte is right on the Vierwaldstättersee (Lake Lucerne), which although it was cloudy, it was really pretty.
And now I'm home. We even had Monday off of school for Pfingsten (Pentecost--another religious holiday), so I had a few days to enjoy being at home and not traveling--even though all this traveling has been absolutely a dream come true!


Ciao Italia!

Yesterday I started a blog post about Italy, in which I started to list off everything we did every day. I didn't finish it because I was getting tired of typing it, which is probably a good sign that it wouldn't have been that interesting to read. The thing is, I had a fantastic time in Italy and I want to tell you all about it, but that would be a rather long blog post, because I was gone for one week and each day was pretty filled with a lot of pretty excellent things. So I'll try to keep this concise.

First things first: Where was I and why? I was in Italy for one week on the SalZH vacation, which is where teachers and their families and students and their families are all invited to spend a week together at a camping resort in Italy. It's a pretty unique thing I'd say, and I was apprehensive about spending a week 24/7 with some of the students and being on a more "friend" level with them than "teacher." Would I lose authority and respect when we got back to school? What really worried me, was that the students were allowed to call me by my first name and allowed to use the informal word for you (du) instead of the formal word for you (Sie) that they usually have to use. The students were extremely excited to call me Jessica and use du with me, and it actually ended up being pretty great. Being back in school today, the students have had no problem switching back to Sie (except for sharing with their friends that they could call me Jessica/du in the break), aside from one student who gets to call me and two other teachers by our first names and use du for the next two weeks as a reward for planning an event successfully. (And yes, he is using my first name at every chance he gets. I think he's said "hello, Jessica" about seven times to me this morning, and I haven't even been in any of his classes!)

Technically, this was my "work week" because as an intern, we always have to work for one of the two weeks in vacations (except Christmas), but I'd say it's the best work week I could have asked for. Sun, beach, laughter, and relaxation, mixed with some work--not bad at all!

Our journey started out on Saturday morning, bright and early, at six am. I drove to Italy with one student and her mother, and was able to see a whole lot of Switzerland (so many mountains and beautiful sceneries) and Italy (which was surprisingly flat and semi-uninteresting, except for when I found out that we drove through the town where George Clooney lives and the town where Romeo & Juliet takes place). After a seven hour drive, we arrived at Garden Paradiso, near Venice, Italy.

Every day of the break, we had a meeting with all of the families (it wasn't required for everyone to come, but all were invited). The theme of the trip was "Strong families", because of our school's motto of the year, "Zäme simmer starch", which translates to "Together we are strong". Each evening, different parents would present something about different parts of having a strong family and everyone exchanged tips with one another.

One highlight of the week was a treasure hunt with the younger kids, where Raphael (another teacher), Dorina, and I dressed up like pirates and led the kids on a treasure hunt. They had to complete different tasks, like learn to save their sinking boat by running water from one bucket to another--but with a plastic cup with holes in it--and unscramble letters to find the next pirate with a hint. In the end, the kids uncovered a treasure chest filled with 40 pieces of Gold (40 Euros) and we all got ice cream as a treat.
We dressed like pirates

And tried to read the treasure map

Learning to save our sinking boats

And discovering new clues

Treasure found!

We pirates have some pretty big muscles--Arrr, matey!

Pirates love ice cream, of course.

A lot!

Happy pirates we arrrrr! ;-)

Another highlight was going to Burano with the older kids for the day. Burano is an island near Italy and is known not only for its narrow streets and canals, but also for its colorful houses. Each house is painted a different color and different shade than the others. It might sound weird to have a forest green house or a bubblegum pink house, but here, it fits perfectly together. The kids were busy with a scavenger hunt type activity we planned for them--they had to accomplish silly tasks, like filming themselves falling in love with a street lantern or crawling through a street acting like a seal for fifteen seconds. Dorina and Raphael and I wandered the streets, ate real Italian pizzas, and sat on a bench to enjoy the sun and scenery. It was truly a beautiful island.

The final highlight, for me, was going to Venice on Thursday with Dorina and Alexandra (a private nanny-like intern for a family with five kids). It was sunny in the morning/early afternoon and rainy after that, but with the narrow allies and endless number of people pushing through with umbrellas, we didn't really get that wet, so it was definitely still enjoyable. We took a gondola ride through the canals in the beginning, which was perfect because it rained later, and we ate pizza before wandering the streets and doing some shopping. I didn't take nearly enough pictures (let's blame wanting to protect my camera from the rain...), but it was really beautiful. Not as colorful as Burano, but still beautiful.

Dorina on the gondola

Alexandra and I on the gondola

There were bridges over all the canals, connecting the streets together

All in all, it was a spectacular week, and I would love love love to go back again.
